Other Professional Resources
Disclaimer: you will need to contact these professionals directly to confirm their pricing, and whether they are accepting new clients.
Project-based Financial Planners (General)
- Chris Remedios: https://www.
remediosfinancialplanning.com/ -
Autumn Kruse: https://www.
krusefinancialstrategy.com/ -
Julie Asti: https://astifinancial.
Project-based Financial Planners (Equity Comp Expertise)
- Heather Liston: https://www.clarityfinancialca.com/
- Rebecca Conner and Jim Garvin: http://www.seedsafefinancial.com/
- Dave Meyers: http://www.meyersmoney.com/
Tax Professionals (Equity Comp Expertise)
- Minnie Lau, CPA: https://www.minnielau.com/
- Heather Liston, EA: https://www.clarityfinancialca.com/
Group Learning
- Lauryn Williams: https://www.worth-winning.com/.