In part one of the Open Enrollment series, I discussed the three most valuable benefits offered by most companies: health insurance, Flex Spending Accounts (FSA), and Health Savings Accounts [...]
Open enrollment season approaches. The acronyms and jargon are overwhelming: PPO, EPO, HMO, FSA, HSA, deductible, co-pay, co-insurance…You could give up and choose the same benefits for [...]
Happy New Year! If you review your paystub, you’ll see several deductions for your 401(k) and other workplace benefits. The IRS has updated how much you can contribute to the following benefit [...]
401(k) plans are vexing. Prospective clients frequently ask: “Am I contributing enough?” “What investment(s) should I select?” “What should I do with my old 401(k) plans?” Here’s my [...]
“The advice of an employment attorney will make things better. Most people think of a lawyer as someone you engage when you’re about to sue someone, or when you’re going to [...]